Ohio State Netherland
Dwarf Rabbit Club
How OSNDRC Points are Determined.....
Each rabbit shown receives Sweepstakes points unless they are disqualified or place below 5th place.
1st place: 6 times the number of rabbits in the class
2nd place: 4 times the number of rabbits in the class
3rd place: 3 times the number of rabbits in the class
4th place: 2 times the number of rabbits in the class
5th place: 1 times the number of rabbits in the class
BOB: 2 times the number of rabbits in the breed
BOS: 1 times the number of rabbits in the breed
For the spring and fall OSNDRC specialty shows, the points for the classes are doubled, but not the BOB and BOS points. BOB and BOS are calculated as usual then added to the doubled class points.
There must be 5 rabbits and 3 exhibitors or more to receive Quality Points.
BOB: 2 points for overall quality
BOS: 1 point for overall quality
BOG: 2 points for group quality
BOSG:1 point for group quality
These rules apply only to the OSNDRC, not to any other club or affiliation.
Have questions about your Sweepstakes or Quality Points? Email Amie Dick at amiedick2@gmail.com.