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Ohio State Netherland Dwarf Rabbit Club Constitution 

ARTICLE I - - Name
The name of this organization shall be the OHIO STATE NETHERLAND DWARF RABBIT CLUB, INCORPORATED.

ARTICLE II - Objective
Section 1.    To promote, encourage and develop the Netherland Dwarf rabbit to the mutual benefit of all concerned.

Section 2.    To afford memberships to persons interested in breeding and showing the Netherland Dwarf rabbit.

Section 3.    To promote and conduct public exhibitions of the Netherland Dwarf rabbit.

Section 4.    To operate and remain as a non-profit organization.

ARTICLE III - Affiliation
Section 1.    This Club shall be charted by the American Rabbit Breeders Association and affiliated with the American Netherland Dwarf Rabbit Club.

ARTICLE IV - Membership
Section 1.    Any person of good character and reputation, who is in accord with the objectives of this Club, may become a member of this Club. A completed application form prescribed by the Board of Directors, along with the payment of at least one (1) year's membership dues, shall be submitted to the Secretary-Treasurer, or if at a show, in the absence of the Secretary-Treasurer, to the Sweepstakes Chairperson or an Officer or Director of the club, who shall within two days, forward the application to the club Secretary-Treasurer. The term of membership shall begin from the date of receipt of application by such person. A membership card will be issued.

Section 2.    Types of membership shall include:
(a)    Individual: Voting privileges and the right to hold office and one subscription to the club newsletter the "Dwarf Droppings."
(b)    Two Adults: Same mailing address, one newsletter, two (2) voting rights, and the right to hold office.
(c)    Youth: As defined by the ARBA, individual membership with no voting privileges and cannot hold office with the exception of Youth Director. Will receive a copy of "Dwarf Droppings" provided no other copy is already sent to an adult at the same address.
(d)    Associate: (Out of state resident) Individual membership, without voting privilege or the right to hold office. Will receive a copy of "Dwarf Droppings."

Section 3.    The Secretary-Treasurer shall notify a member of the expiration of membership. If same is not renewed within thirty (30) days, said member shall be dropped from the Club roster.

ARTICLE V - Officers
Section 1.    The officers of this Association shall consist of the President, Vice-President, Secretary-Treasurer, six (6) Adult Directors and one (1) Youth Director. The three (3) officers and six (6) Adult Directors shall constitute the Board of Directors.

Section 2.    Officers and Directors shall be elected by ballot by the voting members in good standing. Any member to be eligible for an office must be in good standing, and be a member in good standing with the American Rabbit Breeders Association and the American Netherland Dwarf Rabbit Club.

Section 3.    The term of office for President, Vice-President, Secretary-Treasurer and Directors shall be two (2) years. The President, Vice-President, and three (3) Directors shall be elected on even years. The Secretary-Treasurer and three (3) Directors shall be elected on odd years. The term office for a Youth Director with non-voting status will be for one year. The three (3) Directors receiving the highest votes will be elected. In the case of a tie vote for any position the outgoing Board of Directors shall determine the candidate elected.

Section 4.    The term of office for those elected shall begin immediately following the close of the election meeting of the year in which the election was held.

Section 5.    Vacancy of any office shall be filled by appointment by the President, subject to two-thirds (2/3) majority approval of the Board of Directors.

ARTICLE VI - Discipline
Section 1.    The Board of Directors may, by majority of votes, expel any member or reject an application for membership or renewal providing charges have been preferred in writing to the Board by another member in good standing. The lack of good sportsmanship or other action detrimental to the objectives of this Club will likewise be grounds for expulsion.

Section 2.    Any member against whom charges have been preferred, shall be fully informed by Certified Mail by the Secretary-Treasurer and given thirty (30) days to reply before action is taken by the Board.

Section 3.    Any person expelled or rejected may reapply for membership and may be reinstated after a period of one (1) year, subject to two-thirds (2/3) majority vote by the Board.

Section 4.    If an Officer or Director becomes delinquent in his or her dues, he or she shall be notified immediately by the Secretary-Treasurer by Certified Mail. If membership is not renewed by thirty (30) days of expiration, the office shall be declared vacant.

ARTICLE VII - Meetings
Section 1.
(a)    There shall be a minimum of two (2) meetings each year, one in the Spring and one in the Fall.
(b)    The Spring meeting shall be designated as the Annual Meeting and must be held no earlier than April 15th and no later than June 15th.
(c)    The Fall meeting shall be designated as the Election Meeting, and shall be held no earlier than September 1st and no later than November 31st.
(d)    The President may call a Membership meeting at any Netherland Dwarf show sanctioned by this Association.
(e)    The President may call a special Membership meeting at any other time, providing all members have been notified thirty (30) days prior to the meeting date. Notification may be made by mail or published in the Dwarf Droppings. It must include time, place and subject matter to be discussed, and no other business may be transacted except that which has been published.

Section 2.    A Netherland Dwarf show sponsored by this Club shall be held in conjunction with these two meetings. Other shows may be sponsored.

Section 3.    It is recommended in order to better serve all members, that these two shows be rotated geographically in the state.

Section 4.    The President may call a meeting of the Board of Directors at any time. Board of Members must be notified by the Secretary-Treasurer at lease fourteen (14) days prior to the date of such meeting, specifying time, place and subject matter to be discussed.

Section 5.    The President shall call a special meeting upon being petitioned by one-fourth (1/4) of all members in good standing. The petition must be signed by the petitioners and must state the business to be transacted, and no other business shall be transacted except that stated in the petition. All members must be notified by the Secretary-Treasurer of such meeting and the business to be transacted at least thirty (30) days before such meeting.

Section 6.     There shall be at least eight (8) members, which shall include at least three (3) members who are Officers or Directors present at a regular or special meeting to constitute a quorum.

Section 7.    Five (5) members who are either Officers or Directors shall constitute a quorum at all Board of Directors meetings.

Section 8.    If no quorum shall be present, the presiding officer shall adjourn the meeting to a time and place set by him/her.

ARTICLE VIII - Amendments
Section 1.    This Constitution may be amended by two-thirds (2/3) majority vote cast by ballot of the voting membership. All members shall receive a ballot either published in the newsletter or by separate ballot individually mailed to each voting member.

Section 2.    Any member in good standing may submit to the Secretary-Treasurer an amendment to the Constitution, providing it is signed by three (3) members in good standing and submitted at least ninety (90) days prior to the annual meeting. The amendment ballot shall be printed in the newsletter now known as the "Dwarf Droppings."







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